7 DPO - Halfway there?

ZOMG Goat cheese and crackers is the best lunch ever!!!!!11!!!!1!

Also my boobs hurt and I'm having weird cravings. Still not really feeling it on this cycle, though.


Ohai, cramps. I'm trying not to over analyze you but have the feeling you are largely responsible for the feeling of "Meh." today.

Please stay, but only if you really mean it.


1 DPO. Again.

IUIs for this cycle are done, at 11 and 36 hours post trigger. It was a single follie cycle, so I'm not too hopeful, though it was a very good follicle.

On to the 2ww.

I had a lot more to say earlier, but writing 3,000 words over five articles has made my brain feel like a limp rag. Should probably have started writing somewhat earlier than 2 pm...

CD 8 and...trigger?

Guess my body really wanted to move this month! This is officially the earliest trigger ever.

I was surprised yesterday to get the call back to cut down my medication; the number of follies seemed normal to me. They wanted me back in today and, lo and behold, there was a 17mm follie hanging out. It practically waved.

I got the call from andrology first, so it was pretty safe to say by about 10 am that I knew I would trigger tonight and have IUI tomorrow and Thursday. And so it was, and so we are. Hardly superovulation with one good follie, but I'll take what I can get. My body was so damned eager to get moving this time, maybe this will be it.


Hope. What a weird thing.

CD 7.

Tired. No sleep last night.

Follicles good. A 14, a 13, four 11's. Suspect trigger will be happening in the next 2-4 days.

Huge pile of crap in my hall from moving in to my apartment. We moved in over a year ago and never bothered to finish. Moving finished, disaster area created. Would go back to sleep but now need to call maintenance to get in to storage area.



CD 3. Is anybody out there?

Blogs have gone quiet. I suspect it goes hand in hand with down time at Soul Cysters, and with more and more people carrying off their ambitions of BFPs.

As for me, I've enjoyed my month off of TTC, which I didn't feel like blogging about. Not that I've done much with it; I've had lots of luxurious, scalding hot baths and enjoyed a double of Bailey's or two, that's all -- apart from a large, new tattoo. My next sitting for that is April 17th and you know what? Pregnant or no, I'll be going. If my close friend can conceive and give birth to a beautiful baby girl after a boozy piss-up at the pub, my baby can handle some ink. Hush, dear. Mama's conforming.

Today is CD 3, which means it started out with an early morning violation of my person with an ultrasound wand. The 18 follicles seem to hold a lot of potential and my lining looks good for someone who just had a 22 day cycle. I'd forgotten what a "normal" AF is like when you're on BCP...sort of a "That's all?" effect.

Things are looking promising but I haven't had the "Start your engines!" call from the nurse yet. Barring unforeseen disaster with my P4, though, it looks like we're back in business. While I'm a bit sad that this will not be a potential 2010 baby, I am reasonably relaxed and back in the mood for a bit of balance and hope. We shall see where this goes.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled sarcasm...

...because it's CD 1!

Not that I know if I have insurance or if I do, what insurance I have, but hey.

About this blog

The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.