249 days...

Apart from my boobs hurting and the occasional twinge, nothing. It has me paranoid.

The doctor isn't doing any more betas until Friday. My level should be 1,344 by then. I'm nervous because between now and then, I have nothing to verify. I keep repeating to myself that there is no reason to believe this is not a normal pregnancy. The doctor is watchful but optimistic.

And then I read some more horror stories about blighted ovums and babies that didn't develop and I get all nervous again.

I need to stay occupied until Friday. Seriously.


meggo April 16, 2010 at 2:29 PM  

That's awesome news!!!!!!!!!

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About this blog

The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.