Mandell's Pharmacy -- Knowing How To Handle Your Patients

Oh, joy. My delivery of Follistim just showed up. Wahoo. I get to learn to use a whole new drug.

Well, shit, now it's just like Christmas.

The up side to this is Mandell's Pharmacy, the place where my new and about-to-be-discontinued insurance has sent me. Not only was their shipment packaged in a nice, tiny little polystyrene cooler as opposed to Freedom's enormous bag (eco points there) they've clearly got their customers in mind. Inside was my drugs and a small bag of Hershey's Kisses.

That's right, Mandell's. Send the menstruating and infertile chocolate, and you've got a friend and customer for life. Just keep it coming. ;)


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The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.