One (redux).

I called the RE this morning. Technically, since AF started last night, this will be CD 1. I don't mind. It's 1!

So I've gotten my meds ordered and am preparing for the cycle of injections plus ultrasounds and early mornings. I almost don't mind the early mornings, hopefully they will jive with the Bollywood dance class and I'll be halfway to the gym then!

I haven't decided what to do today yet; having new clients means being swamped, but I rather like it. It's just taking some time to get used to how they want their articles formatted, and I've got more free reign with how I write them so it's a bit difficult to get started. Also, wanting to dance around the room in elation that it's CD 1 doesn't help! ;)

I just hope we can fit this cycle in before we go away. Oh, we can do timed BD and for that I'll do the meds anyway -- superovulation will give us a better chance, but I really want to try an IUI now that things are back where they belong!


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The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.