Three and a Baseline

No, I do not apologize for the ultrasound room looking like a crime scene when I left. Aunt Irma is vengeful today. I was worried about her being too light but I have cramps so hard my back aches. No more worries there, except of course my lining is still type III, not back to type I yet, but I gather that is normal when the downstairs looks like the first scene in Carrie.

It was the first early morning of many early mornings in the cycle. I was there at 5.50 in the morning -- monitoring technically does not begin until six -- but was about fifteenth in line. They took the normal panel plus are retesting my thyroid function since getting on the Synthyroid. The E2, FSH, P4 all came back just fine, it'll be a few days before I know about the T4 since that goes to another lab (crazy insurance rules).

The ultrasound showed some 10's and a few less-than-10's, so we're all set and ready to go. I took 150 IU of BitchyStim and right now am so tired I could cry, but I think that has more to do with the early morning and hours spent making sure the Stoat's immigration status is sorted since USCIS seems incapable of sending their own notices out on time. Go Vermont Service Center. /sarcasm

Anyway, roll on, IUI. It'll be interesting to try with my ovaries in the right place!


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The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.