Thirty One.

We have cramps! Aunt Irma is sending her calling card ahead, I think.

We're going away next month, all I can say is I hope this IUI gets done before then! I'm going to have to stress that to the doctor on the CD3 baseline. If Aunt Irma arrives tomorrow, then CD3 will be the 28th, and that does not leave much time at all before we go away. I don't want to have to miss a cycle! That would be crap. If we were doing Gonal-F it wouldn't be an issue but Follistim left something to be desired in the speed department last time.

So come on, Irma, get cracking! I've even planned on wearing white workout pants to Bollyrobics tomorrow, just to tempt you. ;)


meggo January 25, 2010 at 7:29 PM  

Glad to hear she's around the corner

I loved the white paints comment!

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The Stoatette, wife of the man known only as The Foxy Stoat, has embarked upon a strange journey during which she has to conquer her fears of pain, loss, heartbreak, and needles.